Scrolling System
Scrolling system for torah case, protected under written patent number 121964, and its principle, among else, is:
Two bottom plates submerged in a niche on the bottom part on the case, and are in the same level with the case floor. Underneath the plates, two bearings allowing free rolling of the torah while preventing corruption of the parchment.
In the upper part of the system there are two plates and above two bearings. A stopper is assembled in the upper part of the system, above the plates, allowing free rolling when semi open but still prevents removal of the system unless it is fully opened. While reading or "raising" the case, the stopper needs to be activated, meaning set to "closed" mode, by that preventing any movement of the parchment.
The system can be assembled to all kinds of the torah cases: round, square, Hexagons and more.
The system can be removed by opening the stopper and lifting the sticks.
A submerged plate for torah case, protected under written patent number 155353 and its principle, among else, is: a pair of supporting plates, shaped has flat disks, submerged in the bottom part of each side of the torah case and when located in the niche are found in the same level or slightly higher then the case floor. Each plate has an independent movement to allow free and comfortable scrolling of the parchment which is sewn to the sticks, connected vertically to the plates in their bottom end.